
Washingpool Farm CL

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Putts Corner, Devon. 2nd - 11th October (9 nights)

After the trauma of the last few months we were determined to make our last trip of the year a good one. Trying to put my illness to the back of our minds we were up early to get Baby out of her cwtch and make the most of the weather and our trip down south. Unfortunately, just as we engaged the motor mover, the village idiot turned up and parked his car on the road in front of our gate. Following a bit of a wait and some verbal exchanges he drove off and we got Baby out and made our way. It did disturb us to know that the house was empty and this nutcase knew it was, but we decided that the reason we installed CCTV and pay insurance is so that we can go away with some peace of mind.

The weather was beautiful with the car registering 20 degrees for best part of the journey so we felt a certain warm glow about the holiday ahead. We arrived at Putts Corner and were set up within the hour and spent the rest of the afternoon sitting out in the sunshine relaxing. It's a long time since we had more than a 6 night break because of the restrictions of Steve's job so the fact it was Friday and we had we still had 9 days to go made a big difference to the chillax factor.

We had some lovely days out to Torquay, West Bay,Dawlish, Seaton and Beer taking full advantage of the beautiful weather.

Well that's it for this year ..Baby has had her annual service and has been winterised..the big difference this year is that she is in the back garden where we can still enjoy her company and make sure she is not having any problems with bad weather ...and if we decide to take a winter trip out we can put the heating on to warm her up before we go.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Liverpool 5th -12th Sept. ( 7 nights)

I'm not going to dwell on the hospital visit, suffice to say I have a difficult journey ahead. But as this blog is all about enjoying our time in Baby we did make the most of our time in Liverpool and did some touristy things so I have photos to share.
We stayed at Putts corner CC site and were lucky enough to get the pitch that is on the site details ..lovely views across the Dee Estuary and we were also blessed with glorious weather.
As we were quite emotional we decided that we were close enough to Gretna Green to make a day trip retracing our wedding day which included a whistle stop tour of our honeymoon in the Lake District.

We also went on the Mersey Ferry and open top bus trip .....and a visit to Liverpool wouldn't be complete without a drink in 'The Cavern'

So for all the wrong reasons our visit to Liverpool and the Wirral was one we'll always remember and for all the right reasons it's one we'll never forget.